How To Get Started With DEI Training

Organizations that are serious about change start with equality & diversity training. The goal is to educate employees on the importance of diversity training. As you look for the best diversity and inclusion training for your organization, consider these factors:

Once you’ve selected your equality & diversity training tool, it’s time to implement. Let’s talk about the 4-step approach to a successful roll-out.

1. Choose the Right Approach

Demo different equality & diversity training tools to find the right fit for your organization. Once you've selected a tool, you'll need to decide how to roll out the training to your employees.

Will it be mandatory for all employees? Offered as a voluntary training? Made available to all employees but with a preference for those who self-identify as members of underrepresented groups?

2. Coordinate, Coordinate, Coordinate

Once you've decided on your approach, the next step is to implement it. This will likely require some coordination and planning.

If you're rolling out the training to a large company, you'll need to ensure that everyone has the time and resources they need to complete the training. You may need to adjust work schedules or create dedicated training time frames to accommodate everyone.

If you're rolling out the training to a smaller company, you may be able to implement it without too much disruption. However, you'll still need to ensure that everyone has the time they need to complete the training. You may need to allow employees to complete the training during work hours.

3. Monitor Effectiveness

Once you've planned and implemented the training, the next step is to monitor its effectiveness. This will help you determine how the training is working and where to pivot.

There are a few different ways to monitor the effectiveness of training. One way is to track employees' performance before and after the training. This can be done through things like tests, surveys and interviews.

Another way to monitor training is to track the company's performance indicators before and after the training. This can include things like customer satisfaction, employee retention and safety incidents.

Monitoring the effectiveness of training is an important part of ensuring its success. By tracking employees' performance and the company's performance indicators, you can make sure that the training is having a positive impact on the business.

4. Conduct A DEI Training Retrospective

Upon completion of the DEI training, it’s time to find out what worked and what to improve. Remember, 360-degree feedback is key here. Speak with everyone who participated in the training, including the team, managers and of course, leadership.

Timing is key. You’ll have to decide when people have had enough time to reflect, but it’s still fresh in their minds. This critical point allows you to gather insights and make an informed decision about next steps.

How To Conduct A DEI Training Retrospective

Gather Feedback: Reach out to those who participated in the training and ask questions like:

To get honest feedback, consider making an anonymous survey so people feel comfortable sharing their true feelings.

Analyze Data: Take the data collected from your feedback survey and look for overarching trends. Are certain topics mentioned again and again? Do people tend to have similar feelings about the DEI training? What can you learn from outlier answers?

Adjust Your DEI Strategy: Get with key stakeholders to discuss your findings and recommendations. Discuss the successes and challenges of this roll-out using real employee feedback.

If possible, demonstrate positive changes that have already happened because of this DEI training. Remember, key stakeholders can make or break a DEI strategy. Their input and buy-in is key to driving DEI momentum.

Start Your DEI Journey Today

The best diversity and inclusion training ensures everyone is accountable for positive change. Luckily, there are training programs to support your journey. CT3 makes positive workplace behavior possible. With engaging and accessible modules, teams who use CT3 focus on active learning, not passive attendance. CT3 is transformation through training. Take the first step for your team today.

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