Pros Of CT3’s Virtual Diversity Training

DEI Training Support For HR Leaders

HR leaders like you hold the power for lasting DEI change in your workplace. It’s what inspired Dr. John Sherman to create CT3, a virtual diversity training tool.

Whether you’re launching a new diversity initiative or supplementing your existing strategy, CT3 is built to help your team acknowledge, deconstruct and transform those unconscious biases that hurt so many company cultures.

Everyone has experienced one (or more) of these workplace concerns:

Yet, it seems like real change just doesn’t happen. CT3’s science-backed learning modules aim to create long-lasting positive change through:

A Scientific Dive Into CT3’s Virtual Diversity Training

5 Foundational Concepts of DEI Training

Let’s talk about the unique features you’ll love about this learning program. CT3 offers 5 foundational concepts – each one tackling an important part of the DEI framework.

  1. Stereotypic Replacement
  2. Counter-stereotypic Examples
  3. Individualizing vs. Generalizing
  4. Perspective Taking
  5. Opportunities for Contact

But first! Remember that hologram technology we referenced earlier? Included in every CT3 purchase is a hologram device that sits right on your smartphone.

As concepts are shared, you’ll view a 3D version right before your eyes. It’s a whole new way to engage in learning.

Stereotypic Replacement shows teams how to identify internal biases and recognize the roles they play as we move through life.

Counter-stereotypic Examples helps teams counteract those learned internal biases by embracing opportunities to broaden their exposure with different people.

Individuating vs. Generalizing challenges your team to look beyond “us vs. them” and instead recognize that every person is an individual.

Perspective Taking encourages teams to step away from their cultural comfort zone by embracing how other cultures live, work, love and play.

Finally, Opportunities for Contact provides real-world guidance on community-building, including how each person can build meaningful connections with everyday people.

Pros of CT3’s Virtual Diversity Training

Throughout CT3, game-based learning provides opportunities to test knowledge and build confidence in a way that face-to-face training doesn’t allow.

This includes definition-concept matching, DEI facts, progression bars, motivational quotes and a certification countdown timer. Plus, pop-up bonus challenges keep everyone on their toes.

Within each lesson, modules present Thinking and Doing activities. Thinking sections encourage your team to approach new ideas in a safe space. Doing activities help each person make the jump from understanding to practical application.

And speaking of game-based learning, The University of Unbiased Scrutiny — a game within the curriculum — provides critical learning in a comedic way.

Set in a fictional university of the future, the game is divided into episodes that work in a choose-your-own-adventure format.

As your team plays the game, they’ll encounter concepts like confirmation bias, fundamental attribution error, recognizing cognitive biases, mitigating bias and more while helping the main character finish his mission.

Long-Lasting Positive DEI Training

Once your team completes the program, everyone receives an official certificate of completion to share on social media and add to their portfolios. Plus, lifetime access to training is included to support your team as they continue their DEI journey.

CT3 is a first-of-its-kind new generation DEI platform designed to have real and lasting impact on society.

As a changemaker, you inspire your people and improve your organization everyday. It’s time to take the next step.

Start Your DEI Journey Today

Everyone is accountable for diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Luckily, there are training programs to support your journey. CT3 makes positive workplace behavior possible. With engaging and accessible modules, teams who use CT3 focus on active learning, not passive attendance. CT3 is transformation through training. Take the first step for your team today.

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