Yes, Even Executives Need DEI Training Too

There’s a growing consensus that organizations need to do more to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). And while many companies have introduced DEI initiatives, there’s still room for improvement. One area that often gets overlooked is executive leadership training. Wait, executive leadership needs DEI training too? Absolutely. iIt’s important for executives to receive DEI training, as they set the tone for the entire organization. Yet too often, executives are not given the tools they need to navigate DEI issues. As a result, they can unintentionally perpetuate systems of inequality. Let’sl discuss how essential executive DEI training is for an inclusive workplace.

The Need For DEI Training

DEI training helps employees learn about and understand the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. It also helps employees identify and address their own personal biases and learn how to be more inclusive of others.

Did You Know… Companies with more than 30% women executives were more likely to outperform companies with a lower number. Source: Mckinsey Insights

DEI training helps companies create a more inclusive environment for all employees, and can also help employees learn how to better interact with co-workers from different backgrounds.

DEI training is proven to reduce the occurrence of workplace discrimination and harassment, and helps employees become allies underrepresented groups. By providing DEI training, companies can create a more positive and productive work environment for all employees.

Did You Know… Racially and ethnically diverse companies have a 36% higher likelihood of financially outperforming less diverse companies. Source: Business Wire

What Kind Of DEI Training Do Executives Need?

As the discussion around diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) continues to evolve, so too does the training that executives need to properly address issues. While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, there are a few key areas that all executives should focus on when it comes to DEI training.

First and foremost, executives need to be educated on the basics of DEI. This includes understanding the different dimensions of diversity, the historical roots of equity and inclusion initiatives, and the current state of DEI in the workplace. Without this foundation, it’s be difficult for executives to effectively lead DEI initiatives.

Executives also need to be trained on how to handle difficult situations concerning DEI. These conversations can be awkward because they require addressing difficult topics, such as racism and sexism.

Did You Know… Only 47% of managers feel prepared to have conversations about race with their employees. Source: Gallup

However, DEI training can help executives learn how to have these conversations in a productive and respectful way.

Who Should Provide DEI Training For Executives?

An organization's commitment to DEI must start at the top. Leaders need to be active and vocal allies in the fight for DEI, and they also need to be educated on how to create an inclusive environment. It's not enough to simply avoid discriminatory practices - leaders need to actively promote DEI in the workplace.

But who should provide this training for executives? There are two main options for DEI training providers.

1. Internal DEI department: Many organizations have a DEI department that is responsible for creating and implementing DEI initiatives. This department can also provide training for executives on how to be allies and create an inclusive environment. However, if you don’t already have an established department, you’ll need to create one. Hiring and training could take a year or more before the team is ready.

2. External training tools: Learning courses, including our own, guide individuals and teams on their DEI journey. Participants explore self-guided training — at their own pace — that puts the user in control. But you’ll have to research different training tools to find the one best-suited for your company. There’s always risk in trusting an external company.

How Often Should DEI Training Take Place?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Training frequency depends on the size of your company, the makeup of your workforce, and the specific needs of your DEI initiative. For example, in smaller organizations DEI training may be conducted quarterly or semi-annually. While in larger organizations, DEI training may be conducted monthly or even weekly.

In general, however, we recommend that DEI training should take place at least once a year, and more frequently if possible. Be mindful of turnover rates too. Companies with high turnover rates may benefit from more frequent DEI training, such as monthly or even weekly sessions.

Whatever cadence you choose, the goal is to ensure that employees are up-to-date on the latest DEI information and that the company is making a continuous effort to promote diversity and inclusion.

What Are The Benefits Of Implementing Dei Training?

DEI training is an important way to help employees understand and embrace diversity in the workplace. Executives who are trained on how to have difficult conversations can help create a more inclusive workplace, and employees can feel more comfortable discussing these topics with their managers. Once that door is open DEI training offers many benefits:

How Can You Get Started With DEI Training?

Organizations that are serious about DEI efforts often start with training. The goal of this type of training is to educate employees on the issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion. So start with research!

Demo different DEI training toolsto find the right fit for your organization. When it comes to choosing the right DEI training tool, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Start Your DEI Journey Today

CT3 makes positive workplace behavior training possible. With engaging and accessible modules, teams who use CT3 focus on active learning, not passive attendance. CT3 is transformation through training. Take the first step for your team today.

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